Church Wide & St. Peter’s Leadership

The Anglican Communion is the world-wide membership of Anglican and Episcopalian churches.  On this page we breakdown who all the main leaders are from the Head of the Anglican Communion, the head of The Episcopal Church (TEC),  the ECCT Bishops (the Episcopal Church in Connecticut), and our local St. Peter’s Parish leadership.

Roles do change from time to time.  Mostly notably in mid-2024 TEC voted for a new Presiding Bishop (more details coming soon) and ECCT elected Bishop Jeffrey Mello in 2022.

The Most Rev. Justin Welby

Archbishop of Canterbury

The Most Rev. Michael B. Curry

Presiding Bishop

The Rt. Rev. Jeffrey W. Mello

Bishop Diocesan

The Rt. Rev. Laura J. Ahrens

Bishop Suffragan

Rev. Deacon Marge Roccoberton & Rev. Deacon Donna Gray
