Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Our Liturgy Ministry encompasses the following (click each item below to view more details):

.Altar Guild

Even if you’re the first one to enter the church for a service, whether it’s a Sunday Morning Service, Baptism, Funeral, Holy Day, or Wednesday evening healing service, you’ll see that someone has been here before. The hangings on the altar may be a different color than last time. The linens have been laundered and ironed. The matching chasuble and stole are hanging in their places. Sacred vessels have been washed and are ready in place. The water and wine are present. This preparation is done by a dedicated group of Altar Guild members who are never seen, so never noticed.

We work on a rotating schedule, which usually means each member is responsible for 1-3 services per month. We have regular meetings to discuss ongoing issues and to support each other. We have been working on an updated procedure manual, including pictures for various altar set ups.

This work in the quiet stillness of the church is a special form of meditation and prayer that is rewarding in itself; and, we would like to share it. We welcome new or returning members and will work with them until they feel comfortable on their own. The training is light and the commitement is about 1-2 hours every two weeks.

.Liturgical Planning

Working closely with our priest, this ministry is responsible for planning Sunday worship services and other special worship events. A schedule of events is developed, along with details for each liturgy, including music, events, and more.

.Music and Choir

Music is a big part of our church. Besides organ and piano based music each week at our 10 AM services, our choir sings from September to May each year. Choir practice is twice a week. Special musical events also include our Christmas Pageant, Christmas Eve, Easter, and more.

.Prayer Ministry

Our Prayer List is updated each week, announced in our bulletin, and recognized during the Prayers of the People at each service.